The "by-you" (bite you, pacifier) is gone!!!! A little history about the "by-you"... Gavin was off the pacifier with no struggles by the age of 7 months. Then he had a hospitalization and the nurse decided to give him one, which made him re-addicted. So we decided to not fight the battle and let him have it as a comfort thing. The poor kid has been through enough and just needed something that was soothing to him and would be right there waiting when he woke up from a cath/surgery/etc. Adam and I made a decision, once this last big surgery was over we would take away the "by-you" for good. We let Gavin recover, Adam got back from his training and we realized it was time. On Wednesday, Gavin fell asleep in the car with out his pacifier (nap time/bed time is usually the only time he gets the pacifier, but he had regressed since surgery and we were giving it to him more) so I thought I will lay him in his bed and not offer it to him. He laid in his bed and instantly woke up asking for it. I said "no it's time to be a big boy, no more by-you". And wa-la he was asleep again!!! WOW, that was easy... I had been searching and asking for ways/ideas to get rid of the pacifier. But for some reason I just felt it was time and we were going cold turkey. When he woke up, I praised him and praised him for doing such a good job and sleeping like a big boy. Then night time came, he didn't ask for it and went right to sleep. He slept all night and was rewarded with donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast! And, guess what he has continued to do it over and over again! He is constantly saying "I a big boy, big broder, no by-you". Next step big boy bed and potty training! Maybe before Brody gets here, wishful thinking?!?
Whew! You scared me with that title! I thought one of our heart buddies might have gotten his or her angel wings. Glad to hear that Gavin has given up the binkster! Woohoo! Keep making those milestones before that new baby bro comes, Mr. Gavin!
I am fortunate that Aiden never took to a paci, except for his first month.
I remember thinking that the paci battle with Seth was going to be a big one. He surprised me too...same sort of thing...one day, he told me "Pacis are for babies." I agreed with him, took the pacis, and we never looked back.
I would say that a big boy bed is another fairly easy transition...potty training, a completely other story (at least at our house). I banged my head against a wall with Sam (he was over 3 1/2 when he finally did it) because he wasn't ready at all. Once he was interested, he trained in a day! Seth was so much easier (for both of us) since I decided to wait and let him decide when it was time.
Can't wait to see you in just a couple of weeks!!!!
Way to go, Gavin, you are such a big boy! Well done, Faith....I am about ready to take Grant's away, but I don't think he'll grasp it quite as well as Gavin :)
p.s. I left you an award on my blog!!
Way to go Gavin. He's is such a big boy. I remember dreading the day we took their binkies away but we went cold turkey as well and it was a piece of cake. Wish I could say the same about potty training. Good Luck on that! Of course Gavin is always at the top of his class so it will probaby be a breeze as well.
Ugg I dread this one. We allowed Karter to keep his because it comforted him so much and because he had his so does Kolton, but it is time. They turn 3 next month. We have already tackled the big boy bed and potty training, this is the last step. My babies are gone and in their place are big boys.
Gavin is just so cute! Congrats! Aiden loves his binky too! I worry about that, but don't want to take it just yet. He is 17 months old so I know I will need to break him pretty soon. My older son was taken off before 1 year.......something about our heart babies and those binkies! Glad to see things are going good!
Way to go big boy :)
Gavin you are getting to be such a big boy. For me when Hunter learned to ride his bike without training wheels I realized I didn't have a baby anymore, which was just last week. Enjoy every minute, they grow up so fast.
He is such a big boy! Vivian loves her pacifier...I am hoping it won't be a huge issue.
It's amazing that regardless of the obsticle and regardless of the age...when the time is right for change everything seems to work out just fine. I'm so glad to hear that Gavin is getting better every day and he is accepting change in many different ways! Y'all keep up the good work!! Tricia
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