Friday, January 05, 2007

Gavin at 12 weeks

I cant believe Gavin is already 12 weeks old!

Here are some things Gavin is doing right now:

*He can roll over completely

*He smiles a lot

*He "coos" when you talk to him

*He sleeps more at night- last couple of nights 8 hours straight!!!!

*He loves getting his bedtime routine, bath and massage from Daddy, complete with Johnson and Johnson bedtime lotion and music, he really starts "talking" then
*He holds his head up

*He likes being on his tummy more, but not to much, he gets upset after a couple of minutes

*He is starting to grab toys that we hold in front of him

*He really focuses on people, objects

*He loves TV, bad habit, but it seems to really calm him down if he is upset

*He loves it when we sing to him

*He likes to be read to, he tries to grab at the book

*He likes to lick things, such as his blanket or his clothes, it is pretty funny to watch him

*He is so strong!

As we get closer to his second surgery it is getting a lot harder, we just love his little "BIG" personality, he is such a beautiful baby, having him in my life has completely changed me as a person. I don't remember what life was like without him. He has made me a stronger person, he amazes me more and more everyday! I love you Gavin!

Gavin passed out on the couch, pacifier barley hanging on

Mommy and Gavin hanging out


Anonymous said...

I love that picture of the two of you!

Gavin is doing FANTASTIC! Rolling over already? That's just incredible!

I know it's so hard not to, but try not to think about the Glenn. Seriously. The survival rate is something like 99%, and the recovery is so much faster than the Norwood. It WAS a very difficult time - from the moment I got the date, I was a mess. Looking back, I spent too much time crying that could have been spent snuggling and kissing and playing with Sammy.

That said, I know you're going to worry and cry and freak out. Call me if you need to!!!!

Thinking of you all - and so happy to see just how well Gavin's doing!

Kimberly said...

He really is a doll!