(The above pictures are of Gavin BEFORE surgery)
Faith and Adam here, Gavin is much better now! The nurses are weening him off of the meds and ventilator. Gavin did indeed have some blood pressure issues today but some of it had to do with the arterial line (measures blood pressure/the line they use to draw blood gas). However they had to give him some meds to help his blood pressure go up because it was low. Gavin had some "body jerking" today, the nurses told us that some babies become addicted to the narcotics because they have been on it for so long. He stopped this afternoon so we are hoping he was just getting adjusted to waking up from sedation. But then they had to sedate him again because the nurses were doing a lot of adjustments with his lines and it was making Gavin tear up. It broke our hearts to watch him try to cry and we couldnt hear him! The night nurse said he is doing very well and she will continue to ween Gavin off of meds and ventilator on "Gavins time". (We hear that a lot!) Thanks again to everyone for the continuous prayers, hospital visits, food, encouraging cards, emails, and support! We love you all and cant wait to bring our precious son home!
Adam and Faith,
My name is Betsy Wagner-Gregory and I am a High School friend of Erin's. (Adam even graduated with my sister Bethany). Anyhow, I have been keeping up to date on Gavin's progress and have been praying for you all daily. I have a 5 month old named Sam- he had a short stay in the hospital after he was born but nothing quite like what you three are going through. God has given you quite a little fighter!
And Faith- I don't know you at all-but after reading all of your blogs, there is definitely a reason that God allowed your mom to name you Faith! So, from one new mom to another- I am praying for you and that you will soon be able to hold, rock, and kiss your little gift until your arms are tired and you have run out of songs to sing to him.
Stay strong.
It's so hard to be away and to know what you need and what we can do for your family. I did want you all to know that the Encouragement Class at Broken Arrow Church of Christ is praying for you and we long to do more! We have some that are checking on Ron's parents here and hope that helps out some. Please let us know if anything needs to be done for your houses here or any other needs! We send encouragement to you all in love and prayers.
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