Thursday, June 07, 2007

Update from Neurologist

Gavin's appointment with the neurologist was last week. The doctor was very nice and helpful! Gavin has a condition called "Torticollis". His muscles in his neck are tightening and causing him to lean to the left. This could be part of the reason why Gavin has had trouble sitting up. Continued physical therapy should fix the problem. Gavin will have a neck X-Ray and meet with an Opthamologist to make sure his eyes are not tilting. Gavin has an EEG on Monday for his "spells". We have to keep him up til midnight and wake him up at 5am. Should be a fun night!

We are taking the annual family trip to Florida next Friday. Gavin is excited to see his Aunt Erin and Uncle Jon and spend the whole week with his Mimi, Papa, Aunt Tara, Uncle Ryan and his cousins! We are very excited and are ready for a vacation! That week will be the FIRST week since we brought Gavin home that he will have no doctor appts, no physical therapy and hopefully I will not have to speak to anyone of the medical profession!!! I cant wait! I will post some recent pictures of Gavin before we leave on our trip.


Anonymous said...

My girlfriends little guy had torticallus also. Not a big deal. He just had to wear a special helmet for a few months. ( his head was bigger on the one side.) so they needed to reshape it...
Now you can't tell anything was wrong....Have a great trip...

Anonymous said...

I bet you are definitely looking forward to a week of NO appts or therapy. Relaxing on the beach and having good family time will be the perfect "medicine" for Gavin. I'm counting down the days until I see you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gavin....Have fun on your trip!!!

Love, The Voss Family